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Rainbow Bridge Ceremony

I'm unbelievably excited to start the school year. The response from the Waldorf community in Bozeman has been so warm and welcoming and it's obvious we're filling a gap that's been widening each year, begging for someone to come and fill it. We're honored to be the ones to provide a Waldorf school for the grades that we know will grow exponentially year by year. We have booked the pavilion at Hyalite Canyon for our Rainbow Bridge ceremony to kick the school year off right.

Each child will wear a rainbow cape and walk across the bridge with a single flower in hand and hand it to their teacher, thanking him for leading them in their learning journey. The rainbow cape symbolizes hope, promise, unification, and the dreamy summer they leave behind as they cross over into a more focused school year. The teacher will leave the ceremony with a full bouquet symbolizing each little life he has been given the honor of protecting and educating in the years to come.

Families new to Waldorf may not be aware that reverence and spirituality are at the center of a Waldorf education. Families will bring food to nourish the bodies of the community and we will light a candle and recite a verse to nourish the souls. The hope is that by holding this ceremony in nature the soul will be excited and the children will feel the interconnectedness of the head, heart, hands and universe!

This is a private ceremony for only the families, and friends, of the 2022-2023 school year at Epoch. If you are interested in joining us on this magical journey, please reach out. We have a few, highly coveted spots, left!

Here we go, to and fro,

over the rainbow bridge we go.

Treading softly, treading slow,

over the rainbow bridge we go.

Gathering light from sun and star,

gathering light from heaven afar,

Down to earth all things to greet,

sharing the light with all we meet.

Here we go, to and fro,

over the rainbow bridge we go.

Treading softly, treading slow,

over the rainbow bridge we go.

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