I had to shorten the title I wanted on this post. Ideally, this title would read, "Please, for the love of all that sparkles, stop homeschooling toddlers, preschoolers and kindergartners!" As a homeschooling mom myself, I'm a member of an obnoxious amount of homeschool pages on social media and I subscribe to a numbrer of podcasts and newsletters. If you're new to homeschooling, just wait- you'll do this too! A common crowdsourcing question I see across these various resources is, "I'm the mother of a four year old who plans to homeschool and am looking for suggestions on curriculum."

Before I tell you why questions like this make my blood boil, I must first preface by saying, "Mama, it's not you that makes me angry. It's not your fault. It's the system." It's the Department of Education, mainstream media,pediatricians, grandparents, neighbors, and the old lady from church with the stinky dentures. I see you. I feel for you. But, I'm here to also support you by telling everyone pressuring you to "educate" you child before they're six year old, "Suck it".
I hold a BS in Child Development and specialized in Early Childhood Education before getting my graduate degree and becoming a Play Therapist. In undergrad the focus was all on teaching young children, but by grad school I learned that was malarkey (bullshit) and play was FAR more valuable for the developing child. Fast forward to my years as an educator in the Pubic School System (typo intentional as they now sexualize young children in the name of "pride") and I realized we were putting far too much pressure on young children before their brains and bodies are fully developed.
Check out the Finnish school system and Danish schools when you get a chance. They are the world leaders in education and school does not start until age 7y and even then, it's mostly half day because they value play and togetherness (hygge) in the afternoons. Play, and rich sensory experiences, are essential for the developing brain and helps those billions of neurons fire and rewire, essentially growing the brain, to ready it for more abstract concepts like letters, numbers and shapes.
Our western culture pushes abstract concepts and school readiness far before the child is ready and pushes "school readiness". In fact, our media even features the random three year old "prodigy" that's memorized the 50 states. Whooppee! Woohoo! So, she can memorize. So can the family dog. Ever wonder why Fido goes to the door when you put your shoes on or grab your keys? Memorization and reciting facts does not mean the child is intelligent. In fact, creativity and imagination are features of intelligence. Out of the box thinking is not learned in a classroom or doing workbooks at the kitchen table. It's developed through play and exploration.
So, mom, I beg of you- stop homeschooling your child before the age of six or seven. Instead, read, sing, play, hike, cook, paint, model, build, and talk! Read books by Jan Brett, Don Freeman, Elsa Beskow, or Astrid Lindgren. Read the classic like Peter Pan or Wizard of Oz out loud at night one chapter at a time. Read mythology from around the world together and illustrate your favorite parts or find the country on a globe together and cook food or listen to music from that culture. Make decorations for the home each season together and sing seasonal songs making up dances or hand movements. Host playdates, park dates, or painting parties outside with NO learning agenda. Trust the natural unfolding of child development to occur and trust that YOU, mom, are your child's best teacher. Your presence, your love, your stories, your songs, your attention is THE best education your child will ever receive.
Feel free to email me for more book suggestions, songs, crafts or check out my Pinterest boards for Pinspiration! -Chelsea